ND diagnosis or self-identify as:
I was assessed as having a specific learning difficulty with facets of dyslexia and dyspraxia at the age of 40yrs old, whilst studying for an MSc at Imperial.
Current job title:
Head of Client Engagement – Monitoring. I work for Plowman Craven.
What does your job involve?
I provide clients with structural, geotechnical and environmental monitoring solutions using instruments for their projects.
These can be in rail environments like Network Rail, London Underground or DLR and assets such as tunnels, tracks and slopes.
It can also involve basement excavations. I have worked on Crossrail, HS2, Claridges Hotel, Northern Line Extension and the Queensferry Crossing.
Degree/apprenticeship or route to current job:
I have worked in the industry for nearly 18 years. During this time I have studied for a part-time degree BSc in Civil Engineering and Surveying at University of East London and a full time MSc in Soil Mechanics at Imperial College.
What were your challenges in school?
Poor handwriting and spelling.
Reading out loud.
Foreign languages.
What strategies/assistive technology do you use to help you in your work?
Roller ball mouse / Double screen.
What ND skills have allowed you to succeed (or progress) in your STEM career?
Thinking outside the box.
Inquisitive mind – always asking why.
Visual thinker – I need to draw things or use them to understand how they work.
What advice would you give your younger self?
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t worry about making mistakes its all part of the learning process.
Say yes to every opportunity and embrace failure.
Be dedicated and hardworking but remember its only a job and that you need to make sure you enjoy your life outside of work as well – you are not your job!
If you struggle to get out of bed to go to work – it’s time to leave and find a new challenge.