Head of Chemistry, Susana Gonzalez answers our questions.
We have gathered the profiles of people across many fields, covering the STEM community. You can browse all or filter your selection based on your interests.
Head of Chemistry, Susana Gonzalez answers our questions.
Vice President of Architecture, Edward Plowman answers our questions.
Be you.
"When the outside world tries to put you in a box, break free and use your superpower."
Geotechnical engineer, Martin Griffin answers our questions.
Don't compare yourself.
How being dyslexic and a Mechanical Engineering PhD Student mix.
Performance quantifier, Alison Provost answers our questions.
"Being neurodiverse is your superpower; don’t let bullies convince you otherwise."
“I am visionary and an excellent problem solver” –The first woman to hold the title of Chief Medical Officer for England
“Think outside the box and don’t take no for an answer’’ – An entrepreneur with innovative and risk orientated thinking.
“Your career is as individual as you are”
Be proud of how you stay patient, kind and determined, despite the bullies.
Asking for help isn’t giving up. It is refusing to give up.
If there is something that you enjoy learning autonomously, it is worth exploring routes that interest might take you on.
“A real scientist needs to be able to solve problems, to be innovative and think outside the box”
If you struggle to get out of bed to go to work – it’s time to leave and find a new challenge.
Post-doctoral researcher in Micro-credentials can solve problems others don’t even see.
“Form a team with others who are good at other aspects of your work”
“You aren’t the same as everyone else, but that is ok – embrace it rather than pretending to be something you are not”
Inspire someone to persue a career in an area you love and feel fulfilled, by sharing your profile with us. Enter your details to be directed to our secure online form, and let us know your story.