ND diagnosis or self-identify as:
Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Current job title:
Continuous Improvement and Change Lead in Syngenta R&D. I use the Lean Six Sigma approach to analyse and improve R&D processes. I also implement the improved processes through change management.
What does your job involve?
I am day-to-day using bespoke state-of-the-art test rigs to quantify the performance of the heated structures.
This work will enable efficient ice/snow removal in a cost effective and sustainable manner to improve safety of our major concrete infrastructure, including airports, highways and railways.
Degree/apprenticeship or route to current job:
After studying pharmacy in the first year of my degree, I moved to biological sciences and completed a four-year degree in biological sciences (the third year being abroad).
I then did a PhD in biochemistry and genetics.
After my PhD I joined Syngenta R&D and have worked there for 22 years (in 7 different roles).
What were your challenges in school?
I was bullied at primary and secondary school until I moved to a STEM school.
What strategies/ assistive technology do you use to help you in your work?
I have a visual memory so writing things down and summarising things into a diagram really helps me remember information.
What ND skills have allowed you to succeed (or progress) in your STEM career?
Hyper-focused. Determination. Strong analytical brain. Natural ability in mathematics. Special interest in genetics from a young age.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Learn how to understand yourself and advocate for your needs. Learn to accept that you are different and don’t compare yourself.